Current Leaders

The Corporate Digital Communications Index is a unique ranking of the world's best corporate digital communicators

The Corporate Digital Communications Index is not just one ranking but a consolidation of eight metrics that assess different aspects of an online estate. You can read more about how we review on our Index Methodology page.

The full Index consists of around 120 organisations and is constantly being updated; this table shows a monthly snapshot of the current top 20. The most up to date version of the leaderboard is available in the Bowen Craggs Hub, together with the underlying commentary and a wealth of best practice and industry insights. Please get in touch if you are interested in becoming a subscriber.

Rank Score Company Construction Message Contact Serving society Seving investors Seving media Serving jobseekers and employees Serving customers
1 234 Nestle 50 43 11 28 27 26 25 24
2 230 BP 47 41 9 29 29 21 28 26
3 221 Bosch 46 39 10 26 24 25 24 27
3 221 Unilever 48 40 10 27 24 21 26 25
5 217 GSK 45 41 10 24 27 23 25 22
6 216 Verizon Communications 41 36 8 28 23 23 28 28
7 213 NXP 46 40 10 26 20 20 21 30
8 210 HSBC 42 40 11 24 30 18 23 22
9 209 Aviva 43 36 10 26 23 21 24 26
10 208 Target 43 41 9 27 19 20 24 25
10 208 Shell 45 38 7 25 29 17 25 22
10 208 Aramco 46 40 10 24 24 21 22 21
13 206 BASF 39 37 7 26 27 25 24 21
13 206 Siemens 40 37 8 26 21 25 26 23
15 204 Equinor 42 37 10 28 23 23 22 19
16 203 Nordea 47 34 10 24 25 18 21 24
17 201 Bayer 43 37 10 25 22 24 21 19
17 201 Zurich 43 36 9 25 25 18 22 23
19 200 Eni 33 40 10 26 25 23 22 21
19 200 ING 45 33 9 24 23 20 23 23

Blue dots indicate top scores | Click on a logo to view that company's home page

Highest possible scores: Overall 280 

1.0 Construction 50 | 2.0 Message 48 | 3.0 Contact 12 

4.0 Serving Society 32 | 5.0 Serving Investors 32 | 6.0 Serving Media 32 | 7.0 Serving Jobseekers and Employees 32 | 8.0 Serving Customers 32